‘When is an invasion not an invasion?’ – Tuesday 12 March 2024

When is an invasion not an invasion? Cultural appropriation at the edge of the Empire:


Rob Symmons has been the Curator of Fishbourne Roman Palace, Chichester

An illustrated talk by Dr Rob Symmons

This event will take place on 12 March 2024 at 7:30pm.

This talk will unpack a series of new ideas that are starting to shed light on the true nature of the Roman invasion in the Chichester area.

To what extent was it truly an invasion? New evidence suggests it was really an annexation of a region that had already embraced Roman culture and, if anything, welcomed the new imperial regime.

Dr Rob Symmons has been the Curator of Fishbourne Roman Palace for over 18 years. During this time he has supported hundreds of research projects, a number of which have started to hint that the AD 43 Roman invasion of Britain was more complicated than the traditional view of brutal military conquest. Rob’s talk will explore these new ideas. While none are the fruits of his labour, he will happily represent the work of others, taking as much credit for it as he possibly can.



Prices: £10 members and £12 for non-members

Please send your payment via BACS transfer to: the Friends of Ravenna (Barclays Bank) Sort code 20-20-62 a/c 73194604. Please put your name and ‘Invasion’ in the reference area when you make the payment

If you prefer to pay by cheque Please send  it to ‘The Treasurer’, 9 Dolphin Court, Bognor Regis. PO21 1TP