Become a Member

How To Become A Member

Membership is open to all who are in sympathy with the aims of the Association.

From 1 July 2024, the Annual Membership Subscription will be £13.00 per person.

Members benefits include advanced notice of our regular organised Events programme along with reduced Member rates when attending these. You will also be entitled to receive our regular monthly bulletins containing information about forthcoming events and have access to our quarterly ‘Gemelli’ Newsletter and separate “Flyers” in advance of each event. Get a preview of Our Current Programme of the Year’s Planned Events here on our website.  

We are in close regular contact with our Italian Counterparts in Ravenna, the ‘Amici di Chichester‘,  and arrange reciprocal cultural exchange visits that Members can take part in. We are also able to offer our members the opportunity to learn to speak Italian with Italian Language Courses at beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Levels.

We keep in touch with with our Members via email and distribute most information this way, for example the AGM papers etc,  wherever possible, to minimise costs.

To comply with The Data Protection Act 2018 and the management of personal data, you will need to formally agree to subscribe to our Email list and accept the Organisation’s Data Protection Policy when you sign up to become a Member.

To sign up as a new Member please visit the link below and complete our our Application for Membership form. You will then receive details about how to make your first subscription payment. As soon as we recieve your subscription we will provide details about how to access your account on our website and subscribe to our mailing list. We look forward to welcoming you as a Member.