A ‘Four Cities’ event celebrating the twinning of Chichester
with Chartres, Valletta, Ravenna & Speyer
Tom Brown in Conversation
At the Assembly Room North Street, Chichester
Monday 24th June 7.30pm
The talk will be followed by refreshments taken from the four twinned countries, France, Italy, Malta and Germany.
Tom Brown is the Head Gardener at West Dean College. He has also previously worked at Wisley and Parham House. He is also a magazine writer and broadcaster.
Tickets cost £12 and may be purchased either from the box office at the Novium Museum in Chichester or by BACS payment to: Friends of Chartres, Sort Code: 20-20-62 a/c: 90403822 Please use the Reference ‘Gardens’
Alternatively cheques may be sent to to The Treasurer 9 Dolphin Court Bognor Regis PO20 1TP
* Please note that theTreasurer will not be issuing tickets but will record your payment. If you require formal confirmation of payment please email him at foctreasurer1959@gmail.com)