Thursday November 14 – ‘Rooms and Views: Filming in Florence with Merchant Ivory’.


Friends of Ravenna November Event:

An Illustrated talk by Sarah Quill

‘Rooms and Views: Filming in Florence with Merchant Ivory’.

About the Talk …

In 1985, the film director James Ivory, producer Ismail Merchant, and their scriptwriter Ruth Prawer Jhabvala adapted E.M. Forster’s 1908 novel, A Room with a View, into a successful feature film for the cinema. Set in Florence and in Surrey, this light comedy of Edwardian morals and manners explored themes that Forster was to develop in later novels. Sarah Quill worked as the stills photographer throughout the film, and will describe some of the experiences of the cast and crew in Italy and England.  Illustrated with her photographs, her talk will examine the background to the film and the lasting appeal of Forster’s novel.

About Our Speaker

Sarah Quill

Sarah Quill

Sarah Quill has worked for many years in Venice to create an extensive photographic archive of the city’s architecture, sculpture and daily life. During the 1980s she worked as the stills photographer on a number of feature films, including Wagner, Nineteen Eighty-Four, White Mischief and A Room with a View. Her book Ruskin’s Venice: The Stones Revisited (2000) was republished in a new and extended edition in 2015, followed by an Italian translation.  She is a trustee of the Venice in Peril Fund, the British committee for the preservation of Venice.

The event will take place at:


Thursday 14th November

Price: £10 members, £12 non members

We welcome payment via BACS, to Friends of Ravenna, Barclays Bank, Sort code 20-20-62,  account No. 73194604. Please put ‘rooms-views’ in the reference area when you make your payment  If you prefer to pay by cheque Please send  it to ‘The Treasurer’, 9 Dolphin Court, Bognor Regis. PO21 1TP

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