The Chichester Gala
In Priory Park, Chichester at 11am-9pm
Saturday, 29 June 2024
To include a celebration of Chichester’s 4 x twinning associations – Chartres, Ravenna, Valletta and Speyer
This event provides the Friends of Ravenna with a wonderful opportunity to promote our own wonderful organisation!
Each of the twinning associations – Chartres, Ravenna, Valletta and Speyer – will host a “stall” near the entrance. Liz, Jennifer, Alastair, Carrie and Jacky, have formed a small team to “man” our own Friends of Ravenna Stall, with the support of other volunteers. There will be information to hand out, a display to show some of the things we’re been involved in and opportunities to chat about our experiences of twinning. There will also be some activities for children.
Do come and say hello any time between 9-4. Bring a friend or family member! We’d love to see you !
Each of the twinning associations – Chartres, Ravenna, Valletta and Speyer – will host a “stall” near the entrance. Liz, Jennifer, Alastair, Carrie and Jacky, have formed a small team to “man” our own Friends of Ravenna Stall, with the support of other volunteers. There will be information to hand out, a display to show some of the things we’re been involved in and opportunities to chat about our experiences of twinning. There will also be some activities for children.
Do come and say hello any time between 9-4. Bring a friend or family member! We’d love to see you !