Matera – A Hidden Gem
This event will take place on 18 January 2024 at 7:30pm via ‘Zoom’.
Members will recieve a link and instructions on how to join the meeting via our monthly ‘News’ email
Speaker: Daniela Centonze
Matera is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is stunningly beautiful and has a fascinating and remarkable history. Why was this oldest city in Italy and in Europe overlooked for so long?

Daniela Centonze
About the Speaker
Daniela Centonze studied at Pescara, “Gabriele D’Annunzio” University and then gained her Masters at the University of International Studies (UNINT) in Rome. She took part in the Erasmus Programme, spending six months studying in Russia. She is currently teaching English.
Daniela is a native of Matera and her family have lived there for generations.
How to donate: If you’d like to make a donation of £5 towards the costs of the evening, please send your payment via BACS transfer to: the Friends of Ravenna (Barclays Bank) Sort code 20-20-62 a/c 73194604. Please put your name and ‘Matera’ in the reference area when you make the payment
If you prefer to pay by cheque Please send it to ‘The Treasurer’, 9 Dolphin Court, Bognor Regis. PO21 1TP