“Friends of Ravenna Annual Dinner” Thursday 16th May 2019

Friends Annual Dinner

Thursday 16th May 2019
at 7.00 for 7.30 pm
Chichester Park Hotel
Members and guests £26

Our annual dinner is always an enjoyable event and we hope you will be able to come. We are again able to offer a specially prepared menu with numbered choices for each course. This year the dinner will be held at Chichester Park Hotel, Westhampnett, Chichester. If you are without transport do let us know, so that we can arrange a lift to and from the hotel.

All members who receive emails about our events will receive the Menu and a booking form which has been sent out on 20th April. Please note that the closing date for booking will be 3rd May 2019 and the event is open only to members and their guests.